Oak Crest, established in June 1923, with Polo Rd as its main corridor between Reynolda Rd and Student Dr and all of the side streets both north and south of Polo Rd. These streets consists of Friendship Cr, Freds Rd, Idlewild Dr, Idlewilde Ct, Idlewilde Heath Dr, Idlewilde Heath Ct, Rosedale Cr, Hobart St, Harmon Av, and Crepe Myrtle Cr.
Most of the homes in Oak Crest were built between the 1920's –1960’s. We still have many long term residents including second, third, and fourth generations of families.
Kent Strupe, our neighborhood Historian, is currently working on a project of gathering the neighborhood's history which will be used to petition for Historic Designation for Oak Crest, which recently celebrated its 87th anniversary in June 2010.
An annual old fashioned style picnic is held each year (now in October) to commemorate the anniversary of Oak Crest. Please see the home page or the calendar page for more information on this event.
Please take time to visit Kent's website which is dedicated to the rich history of Oak Crest including a Photo Gallery with over 650 photos including details of each house and the Weekly Acorns (HOC Blog) that consists of historical facts about Oak Crest. These are both located at www.historicoakcrest.com .