We would like to establish several committies in order to restructure our organization as well as to broaden interest and encourage participation among our members. Initially, we would like for each committee to consist of (but not limited to) at least two members of which one of those members would be the committee chairperson and contact.

Several committees are listed below with a brief description of the responsibilities of each. Please look over the list and consider the ones that you would be willing to serve. Then contact us and let us know which ones you have chosen. (Feel free to choose as many as you like).


Elder Care Committee

Responsible for assisting the elderly residents of the neighborhood. (providing transportation to and from meetings/events or to grocery store, drug store, doctor appointments, etc, checking in with them periodically, especially in extreme weather conditions, etc).

Communications Committee

Responsible for all means of communication with the association members. (telephone information line, P O Box, maintain and update website, flyers/post cards, emails, phone contact for those without computers, newsletters, , letterhead, biz cards, neighborhood directory, etc).

Social Events Committee

Responsible for planning and executing all social events for the association. (annual picnic, annual yard sale, fall and/or spring carnival, ice cream social, spring clean and lawn contest, special fund raisers, etc).

Welcoming/Recruiting Committee

Responsible for initiating and maintaining contact with all residents both new and current in order to expand our membership. (welcome new neighbors, provide welcome packets, recruit new members, encourage families back to the neighborhood to fill vacant houses, etc).

Neighborhood Issues Committee

Responsible for educating residents, students, and landlords on neighborhood safety, standards, and behavior, as well as, maintaining and enforcing our standards throughout the neighborhood. (neighborhood standards and city/county ordinance and code enforcement, maintaining contact with students, landlords, city inspectors, and follow up with letters, escalate as necessary, etc).

Historic/Revitalization Committee

Responsible for preserving and maintaining the historic significance of the area and promote preservation and revitalization to the area. (gathering history of the area, historic designation project, signage and name recognition, school district improvement/program).


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